1.) Even though I may decide to splurge on a 7 dollar box of Ritz, it does not mean the crackers will taste fresh or even like Ritz
2.) Zebras, donkeys, and baboons adorn the highways here which still blows me away considering I'm used to seeing dirt and buildings along most drives between Bakersfield and northern and southern CA
3.) Internet and electricity is continuing to go in and out at the most inconvenient times which continues to frustrate me to no end
4.) Random Kenyan holidays are called quite a bit which allows for random days off...sounds fun...and it is...but makes lesson planning interesting
5.) Medical care here is atrocious! I saw a girl's leg get broken right in front of me at a soccer game and no one knew what to do. People just stared at her writhing in pain and proceeded to try and take care of her in the weirdest way (one of which was to lift the broken leg high in the air...ouch!). I'm thankful I come from a more compassionate and caring culture after witnessing that scene.
6.) I am buying things here I never ever bought at home...but if it's American and cheap, it ends up in my shopping cart (i.e...mac and cheese!)
7.) When I open up a drawer and lots of little bugs crawl out from it...I am reminded I'm in Africa...gross...wondering if I'll ever get used to that
8.) Blatantly got stared at at the soccer game I went to...I know it's because I am white...but still makes me very uncomfortable...they literally point and stare and sometimes laugh
9.) My friend Bekah's little girl about the age of 2 got picked up by a random Kenyan teenage girl and she started walking away with Kate (the 2 year old). Bekah said that's what they did here...what?!...ok...(she didn't let the girl walk away with her, but still)
10.) Last but not least...God is good...over and over again...yes, I am embarrassingly but still surprised by this and am reminded not to take it for granted each day!
i pray you will find the Lord in every moment of every day and enjoy every bit of your time there, cause we know that in His presence is the fullness of joy and His right hand are pleasures forevermore. James 1:17, 1 Peter 4:12,13 God bless you!