Sunday, August 22, 2010

The highs are HIGH and the lows are LOW...

Everyone says emotions are pretty crazy here, but I am almost certain I have become bi-polar within the last month. Now before I scare people, I am semi joking, but really, I have never experienced such heightened emotion. I completed my second week of school and it was even better than the first. However, my good days were just awesome, and my difficult days made me want to give up. I have never experienced living life as difficult as in Kenya. So teaching all day and then coming home to a house that has no electricity, or wanting to make dinner, but not having the energy to spend 2 hours in the kitchen and surrendering to a bowl of cereal is hard! I don't know how else to say it without sounding like I'm whining, but I literally feel the only things I can rely on right now are breathing in and out and walking (sounds dramatic, but it's true). I was blessed with the chance to have coffee and spend some time with a dear friend of mine who is serving here with her family a few hours away, and she reminded me to make a 'joy list' each day to help through the rough times. I told her all I would have on it for a while might be hot running water, electricity, and internet. Then I lost all three today before church and it lasted all day.....see...I'm telling you....frustrating! However, NEVER in my life have I had an opportunity to truly appreciate the little things. Those little things are big things here and so every day I wake up breathing, walking, get a nice hot shower, and get through an email without the power going out, I thank Jesus. I am learning the basics are all you need here, because the basics in Kenya are luxuries. I am learning patience and grace and how to let things go when they don't go my way (because they never do here). And as strange as it sounds, I love it all. I know the only reason I love this madness is because of the work God is doing in my heart and because of all of the prayers people are sending my way. I have never felt them so strongly before so thank you! After two weeks of school and a month of living here already, I continue to be excited for what's next!


  1. I will be praying for you! I know the Lord is going to show you so much of His love and grace through all this. He is just drawing you ever so close to Him during this season. Romans 15:13 Isaiah 55:8-12 Psalm 37:3-4 Psalm 40

  2. It's the devil on attack!! Everytime something goes wrong, tell the devil he WON'T beat you:) I know it all seems endless sometimes but you will make it!!
