Friday, October 8, 2010

Food for Thought

A few things came up this week that made me stop and think, really think about life here and how truly different it is. I felt, without going into too much detail, it was important to share in order to give a better picture of the culture here as my eyes are being opened to new things each and every day.
* Last Saturday, as I got up early to go for a morning run, I passed by dozens of people hovering outside a construction gate hoping for a days work--made me think twice about complaining about my rough work days.
* Again, when running (it's my sanity activity here) I felt completely foolish passing three thin women carrying massive loads of wood on their back up hill--I must look ridiculous and am continually amazed by the women here
*On the same run, I passed by a man who had been hit by I'm assuming a car and was, from what I could see without looking too closely, dead. His belongings were scattered everywhere and people were just standing around him staring at him...not helping...staring. It is part of the culture here to not touch someone who is dead unless you are family, so he will remain there for longer than I want to think about...made me ill
*During Prayer Request and Praise time after chapel this morning, one of my little girls' praises was that she didn't fall off her bike when her guard was teaching her how to ride her bike. (We have guards here at every compound, apartment, house, that watch over the area and let you in and out during the day). I had to stop and ask her if her parents helped her at all...she said no. The guard of her gate taught her how to ride a didn't realize how lucky I was to have my brother and family members help me with something so little but so big in my childhood.

So many things I have taken for granted all my life. The biggest kicker that most everyone here is joyful, content, and fine with the way things are. I know it's all they maybe know...but still...I have been and continue to be one blessed individual. I only hope my eyes will continue to be opened and my heart softened to the culture as I get integrated here and realize more and more where the needs are. I also hope to learn from them instead of feeling like I need to teach them so much...phew...what a week...just food for though...